Mauritius weather in February 
Good time for a holiday visit? 

Check the Mauritius weather in February. The average temperature is 28°C.It's hot with high humidity. . 
Hot weather does not appeal to you? Consider booking your holiday in the East or South. It’s where our wind is welcome during our summer months.
There is no ‘best time to visit’ between January, February and March. These months fall within our hottest and wettest season.

Mauritius Weather in February

Mauritius weather in February

Mauritius weather in February 

Below you’ll find a chart with average low and high temperatures. I have included January and March so you can compare the data. This weather forecast will help you decide. The temperatures are the same between early and late February.

 Mauritius weather in February with temperature chart

Mauritius temperature chart for February - Chart with hottest and lowest temperatures

Rainfall in February

February falls within our rainy season. Don’t worry. A tropical rain does not usually last long. In fact we enjoy rainfalls. They bring a lovely refreshing feel. We can't compare our tropical climate to European weather.

How much rain can you expect? As you can see rainfall varies from coast to coast. The wettest being the South and East coast.

Rainfall chart for Mauritius weather in February

Rainfall chart for Mauritius during summer

The humidity is high at 76.8%. If you leave our coastal regions and travel inland you’ll notice it’s less.
The water temperature is about 28°C.

Which coast is best?

Where to stay in February? The best location during our summer is on the East and South coast. It’s where our wind will keep the heat and mosquitoes at bay.
The temperature will feel a few degrees less. These locations are a little out of the way. So it’s ideal if you plan to stay at your resort during most of your vacation.

Full moon and new moon in February

Full moon and new moon  time in February 2025

Moon Feb resized 25

Full moon and new moon time in February 2026

Cyclones in February 

Sometimes cyclones visit the island during summer. Hurricanes have been very shy lately. Lots of false alarms with windy conditions. 
You'll find links at the bottom of the page about cyclones and cyclone stories.

More on Mauritius in February

Resort Hotels high season

The accommodation during February fall under high season rates. They are applicable until the end of April.
Some resorts might offer specials with honeymoon and family packages. It’s always good to check for special deals before booking your holiday.

Festivals during February 

Thaipoosam Cavadee in Triolet

Thaipoosam Cavadee Triolet

You’ll have a choice of 2 or 3 festivals. The dates change every year. One year they could take place in January and the next year in February or March.
The Chinese celebrate their New Year also called the Spring Festival. Plus there are two colourful religious festivals of Indian origin:.

  • The Thaipoosam Cavadee 
  • The Maha Shivaratree. 

More on festivals

Activities during February in Mauritius 

The Mauritius weather in February is warm for water activities. The sea temperature is perfect. You'll have a good choice between deep sea fishing, kite surfing, diving, snorkeling and sailing. 
More on  attractions

Please click on the related pages for additional information. The Mauritius weather in February offers plenty to do and see . Enjoy!

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